Importing SRF File Data into VISRAD

VISRAD can import laser beam data from a file generated by the SRF Database (SRD-DB) at the University of Rochester's OMEGA laser facility.

To import SRF file data into VISRAD, select File | Import Laser Beam Data. VISRAD laser beam parameters will be overwritten by the data contained in the SRF data file.

At present, mapping of SRF Pointing, Energetics, and Spatial Profile data to VISRAD laser beams is performed as follows:

OMEGA Beamline 25 HR Pickoff:

When the 2w/4w beam propagates along BL-25 and is intercepted by an HR pickoff and re-directed to port P9, the beam is represented by a Custom Laser Beam in VISRAD. When importing data from the LLE SRF database, whether directly from the database or from an XML-formatted file generated by the SRF-DB, a custom beam is automatically generated with name "Beam_25_P9", and is placed in a cluster named either "2w Beam" or "4w Beam".


If VISRAD detects that the mapping of some SRF beam parameters is not yet supported (such as a DPP Name or Focusing Units), a warning message is displayed.

The following SRF parameters are not utilized when importing SRF data into VISRAD.



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